Welcome to Broad Minded Money Maker

Hi, I’m Michelle.  Raising my family has been the most rewarding experience of my life, but with that comes so many financial demands.  Want to learn how I created a sustainable, highly-profitable online passive income business with Blogging, true Affiliate Marketing & Digital Products?  Let me help you find the fit that is right for you!  

Create the life you’ve always dreamed about?

After all, who doesn’t want Financial Freedom?

Broad Minded Money Maker
Creating a Passive Income that pays your bills lets you pursue the things you choose with the people you love!

I Say

I started an online business because I wanted to create a better life for my family. Freelance Digital Affiliate Marketing has changed my life because of the financial freedom it has created! It can do this for you too!

If I could offer one piece of advice to you, it would be to take a risk, plug your nose and cannonball the hell out of it! Become a person of action and you will see amazing things start to happen in your life. Remember too, it is NEVER too late to get started.

The most important thing is that you DO get started and not just stay stuck considering it! This Broad says, “Cannonball!”

Are You
Broad Minded?

Before getting started in the online space (TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook & Broad Minded Money Maker Blog), I was, and still am a high school teacher in Northern Ontario, Canada with 25+ years of experience.

I have literally taught it all: Art, Computer Science, Peer Tutoring, Religion, English, Physical Education, Cooperative Education, and Outdoor Education (my current assignment and absolute favourite).

My time in teaching has also allowed me to passionately pursue the world of sports as I have been a coach for the last 25+ years.  I have had the opportunity to coach curling, badminton, soccer, cross-country running and track & field.

I got into Content Creation &. Freelance Digital Marketing because I was looking for a way to create Financial Freedom.

After exploring a bunch of side hustle options, I landed here, where you’ve found me, and have never looked back since. I have been able to create an online business focused on passive income & sustainable actions, but more importantly, it is helping me to achieve financial freedom and the ability to live life on my own terms.

I have been able to grow this business to the point that I’ve retired my husband early, and now he works alongside me!

Create the life you’ve always dreamed about.

 After all, who doesn’t want Financial Freedom?

Living the Outdoors Life
Creating a Passive Income that pays your bills lets you pursue the things you choose with the people you love!

There are only
TWO times in life:

Now & Too Late...

So I say "Cannonball!"

Michelle Broad Guzzo